The Difference Between Sensing and Intuition [N and S]

One of the most obvious differences amongst different types of people is whether someone is intuitive or sensing. Sensors favor experience and intuitives favor ideas. Plain and simple. These specific traits will typically be hard to hide. Intuition and sensing are our observing functions, meaning that they determine how we observe the world around us. We use them to take in data about our lives or organize data about our current situation. Which observing function do you think you have? Sensing or intuition? Here's a hint that might help you discern which function you favor. The world is filled with sensors. A wapping 70% of people favor the sensing function, so intuitives typically feel like the weird kids. Not only are intuitives different from sensors, they are also very different from each other as well, making it hard to feel like they fit in. That's not to say that sensors can't feel left out or outcast in certain situations, they can just more easily find a common i...